How long can it last? The weather was beautiful, with just a gentle breeze over the pond. With fewer tourists, the garden had more local strollers, including a woman who lives nearby and has walked in the arboretum for 15 years and made her first visit to the garden. She was - of course! - amazed at the beauty. It really is a hidden treasure.
The Great Blue Heron visited today -- and spent the whole afternoon fishing, first on one side of the pond, then the other. He must have been quite hungry, because he persisted in spite of quite a few people watching and walking nearby. As far as we saw, he didn't catch anything....even as we left, he stood, patiently waiting.
John took a picture of The Visitor behind me, intent on fishing and ignoring everyone....
The beautiful tree is called "Winged Spindle-Tree" according to its tag. What beautiful autumn foliage!

Still waiting and watching as we left...
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